Lansing Rental Properties
Houses and Duplexes
See the map below for our other properties as well as their building history. We own, manage, and maintain all our properties.
All Houses and Duplexes
are located on the near Eastside of Lansing, Michigan 48912

Houses and Duplexes Building History
We have several single-family houses and duplexes on the near eastside of Lansing. All of our properties are in excellent condition and most have been completely and professionally renovated and restored. In fact three of them have received Preservation Awards from the City of Lansing. All houses and duplexes are smoke-free. Pets are allowed on a discretionary basis.
All of our houses and duplexes have modern amenities but have retained the charm of original hardwood floors and wide oak trims inside and painted siding and trim on the outside. Most come standard with a fine restored original porch on the front. These are some of the coolest houses and duplexes for rent on the eastside!