Lansing Rental Properties
Regent Arms Apartments
See the map below for Regent Arms Apartments as well as its building history. We own, manage, and maintain all our properties.
Regent Arms Apartments
131 Regent Street
Lansing, Michigan 48912
Regent Arms Apartments Building History
This unique 9-unit apartment building nestled in a quiet residential neighborhood just off East Michigan Avenue was designed by Architect Howard DeWolf in 1965 and built in 1966. Mr. DeWolf designed several important Lansing area buildings including the Michigan National Guard building on S. Washington Avenue and the Ingham County Animal Shelter in Mason Michigan.
Architecturally Regent Arms could be loosely described as Modernist, or American International Style. According to architect DeWolf the design was developed to maximize the use of the available site. By elevating a simple two story structure on massive steel beams covered parking was provided beneath the building and nine large apartments above were added to Lansings housing stock.
In 1992, Nelson Ostrom and his nephew Dave Muylle formed N&D investments. They acquired the apartment building located at 131 Regent Street and began the long-term project of caring for and upgrading the building.
The style of Regent Arms Apartments may look a bit out of place in the context of this classic urban neighborhood. It is however a product of its times and has established a presence here. While this design was used in a few other locations around the area ours is the only one of its type on the eastside.