Lansing Rental Properties
Regent Place Apartments
See the map below for Regent Place Apartments as well as its building history. We own, manage, and maintain all our properties.
Regent Place Apartments
125 Regent Street
Lansing, Michigan 48912

Regent Place Apartments Building History
The eight unit Regent Place Apartments was built by N&D Investments (Nelson Ostrom & Dave Muylle) in 1999. At the time of construction the site was being used as a parking lot for Regent Arms Apartments. According to records found at the local history room of the Capitol Area Public Library no house was ever on this site.
Regent Place Apartments was designed by Lansing Architect Mary Swanson. With its gabled roof, porch like balconies, clapboard siding, and wide trims around doors and windows this new apartment building was carefully designed to be in stylistic harmony with the neighborhood.
The site itself has an interesting history. According to legend a Mr. Parsons who owned the business at the corner of Regent and Michigan in the early-1970s used to land his helicopter, with some difficulty on this site. In the 1950s and 1960s the site was used for overflow parking for one of Lansings fine dining establishments, The Pogoda Restaurant. The Pogoda operated at the corner of Regent and East Michigan for many years.
Regent Place Apartments was built with attention to detail and quality to insure that it will continue to provide homes to people for many years to come.